
Commercial Cleaning Service

Clean Is Our Business

You’re great at your job. We’re great at cleaning. Let us take care of your cleaning, so you can take care of business.

Call For A Free Quote

Our Promise To You

First-Rate Cleaning Services

Coffee stains on the lobby carpet. Greasy fingerprints on the meeting table. A grimy bathroom sink.

These are things that you should never have to worry about when you’re busy doing your job.

Clean and healthy working spaces increase your productivity and build trust with your clients. We promise to clean your workplace to your exact instructions every single time. No cut corners.
No excuses.

Cleaning Is Our Business,
So Leave It To Us!

Our Cleaning Services

Complete Commercial Cleaning Solution

Trustworthy and Respected 

 Routine Cleaning

Get a custom cleaning program built around your schedule and your needs. Whatever your business, we can help!

 Hard Floor Cleaning

Sparkling clean floors let your customers know you take your business seriously. Expert floor care is more than just mopping.

Get A Free Commercial Cleaning Quote 724-599-7748

 Retail Store Cleaning

You have precious few seconds to make a first impression
on new customers.
Dull floors, spotty windows, and dusty displays all tell your customers that your business doesn’t stand for quality.
Is that the impression you want to make?

Whether you have a store, a bank or a car dealership, we’ll make your retail space sparkle. Make your customers feel the unique value that you will add to their lives.


A clean office helps your employees take pride in their work and their workplace. It’s a sure way to improve worker morale.

It’s also critical for presenting the
best image to your clients.

Do you want your hot new lead
visiting a dirty bathroom?

We will keep your entire office-- work spaces, meeting rooms and bathrooms-- clean, sanitized and healthy for you,
your employees and your guests.

Call Susan For An
Office Cleaning Quote:


Schools and Childcare Cleaning 

Coughs, sneezes, snacks and more...schools and daycares are filled with germs, spills and all sorts of creative messes.

Our expert cleaning staff is trained to clean and sanitize educational facilities of all types-- from daycares to universities.

Let our meticulous team keep your school clean and healthy so you can keep your focus on education.

Some Common Myths :


“It’s cheaper to have my staff handle cleaning tasks.”

Adding cleaning duties to your employees’ job task list can create a negative energy that infects your company from within. Plus, your team won’t be as efficient or effective as a professionally trained cleaning team. So you could end up wasting time, money and  invaluable employee morale.

“Bleach is the only way to sanitize your bathrooms.”

Bleach is often unnecessarily harsh and studies show it’s not even the most effective solution for killing all types of mold, mildew and other microorganisms. We spend our time and money researching and select the most effective cleaning solutions (including green-friendly options) to keep your workspace healthy for everyone.

“Cleaning companies are unreliable.”

Professional cleaning companies should be trustworthy, efficient and consistent. If yours isn’t, then you have the wrong company!
Do your research, as with any company you hire.
A quality cleaning business will flex to meet your needs.

Who We Are

Reliable Commercial Cleaners in Indiana County and Surrounding Areas!


We’re proud to be the most respected and thorough commercial cleaners serving the Indiana, Pa community. We’ve helped make numerous offices, medical facilities, schools and stores shine for their employees and customers.

Our detailed and professional crew takes pleasure in creating a clean and healthy working environment for your team. We’ll bring our own top-of-the-line equipment and cleaning tools to handle even the toughest cleaning challenges. And believe us, we’ve just about seen it all!

Our goal is always to keep your workplace spotless without you needing to think twice about it. But if something isn’t perfect or you have a special request, we’re always here to accommodate your needs.

Meet Susan McKendrick



Meticulous, Trustworthy And Reliable Cleaning Professional
Commercial Contract-Free Cleaning Service*
Specializing in Personal Care Homes, Air BNB, and Small Businesses.

Call For A Free Cleaning Quote

Frequently Asked Questions

How Often Do You Clean?

It depends on your needs and your budget. We have daily, weekly and monthly clients. Or we can work out a custom schedule based on your unique business. Just call us for a free consultation and price quote.

Are You Insured?

Absolutely. We are fully bonded and insured, including third-party liability insurance that covers your business. All of our employees are also covered by worker’s compensation insurance, for everyone’s protection.

Are You Cleaners Professional And Prepared?

Yes. Our team members are trained in the most effective cleaning techniques and procedures. They are also trained on professional workplace behavior and treating your facilities, employees and customers with respect. We pride ourselves on having the most professional team in the industry. Find out for yourself.

OR CALL US NOW 724-599-7748

We’ll Check Cleaning Off
Your To-Do List!

Serving Indiana County and Surrounding Areas & We Offer Convenient Hours

Office Hours

Monday           6:00AM-8PM

Tuesday           6:00AM-8PM

Wednesday     6:00AM-8PM

Thursday         6:00AM-8PM

Friday               6:00AM-8PM

Saturday          6:00AM-8PM         

Sunday             6:00AM-8PM